100 Formula Share Codes!
For The Power Lead System & Promotion
of Many Other Programs.

You may use these share codes only
if you are on our team

Go to the Formula

Easy Share Code Setup

Super EASY Set Up Video





PLS Autoresponder (22 Messages): 
Share Code: 

We will also be here for you to help
you personally with your funnel at every step!
Simply Contact Albie at 

For Promoting the Free Lead System:


7 Dollar Club 

"7-Dollar Club" Lead Lightning Splash Page: See it HERE
Share Code:  752201-7-dollar-club

The Opt in Page Connects to PLS's Lead Lightning Sales Page
so you don't have to create this page! 


For Promoting the Power Lead System:


Super Boss

This page has been changed to get 
Name and Email

Franks NEW Super Boss! Splash page. View here .
Share Code: 



CNF "Black, Red & White" Page


This page has been changed to get 
Name and Email

Franks NEW Black, Red & White! Capture page. View here .
Share Code: 752201-Black-Red-White-CNF-Capture



CNF "Big Camera" Capture Page


This page has been changed to get 
Name and Email

Franks CNF "Big Camera" Capture page. View here .
Share Code: 752201-Big-Camera-Capture 

For Promoting MLMROD


MLM Recruit on Demand Opt See 
Share Code: 752201-Own-Your-Life-Opt

Connect your Opt in page to your MLMROD sales page
or to this Welcome Page 
Share Code: 752201-Own-Your-Life-Welcome
(if you use this Welcome page, make sure to connect your
MLMROD link to your welcome page!)

For Promoting The...


Coming Soon!

 Advanced Share Code Page Setup


For Promoting TRAFFIC:


Team PLS Autoresponder Messages (22 Messages).
Share Code: 752201-ARFLS,LeadLightning,PLS

Traffic Treasures Splash page

View here . Share Code: 752201-piratesplash

Traffic Treasures Opt-in page. View here .
Share Code: 752201-traffictreasuresopt2

The Advertising Formula Welcome page View here .
Share Code: 752201-StartingAdvertising 

Follow these in order:

Watch each video to know
how to set up the share codes above. 
Once you see how
to make one funnel, it's easy to repeat for the next.
Once you learn this, you will have learned some real skills 
that will take you far in PLS.

Setting up Your PLS Autoresponder Emails.
14 mins.

Setting up Your Welcome Page.
10 mins.

Setting up Your Opt-in Page.



Setting up Your Splash Page.
13 mins.


Setting up "The Formula" Funnel:

Also called: Steps to Six Figures Formula:
 View Here .
Share Code: 752201-TheFormula 

Setting up The Formula.
25 mins.


For Promoting the Free Lead System 


"Purple Girl" Free Lead System Splash Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-mypurplegirlsplash 

"Purple Girl" Free Lead System Opt in Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-purplegirlteamopt  

"Purple Girl" Free Lead System Welcome Page: See it HERE
Share Code:  752201-FLS-Welcome



FLS Couple Splash Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-FLS-New-Couple  

FLS Couple Opt Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-NEW-FLS-Couple-OPT

Free Lead System Sales Page: See it HERE
Set up Instructions: Go to the "Easy Button"
Set up the Free Lead System Funnel page. 
Use that link. Link it to the FLS Couple Splash Page
(link it to the picture on that page)



"Hollywood Girl" Lead Lightning Splash Page: See it HERE
Share Code:  752201-hollywoodgirl

"Hollywood Girl" Lead Lightning Opt in Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-Hollywood-Girl-Opt

The Opt in Page Connects to PLS's Lead Lightning Sales Page
so you don't have to create this page! 

For Promoting Safelists & Mailers:



AE Mailer Solos

AEM SOLOS 2 Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-AEMSolosB 

AEM Opt-in page. View here . Share Code:  752201-AEMSolosBopt 

AEM Welcome page. View here . Share Code: 752201-AEMformula3  



FAFY Splash page. View here . Share Code: 
FAFY Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-fafyopt 
FAFY Welcome page. View here . Share Code: 752201-FAFYformulawelcome



For EuropeanSafelist: 


​ES Splash page. View here . Share Code: 

ES Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-european-opt 

ES Welcome page. View here . Share Code: 752201-FormulaforEuropean


Promoting Rosina's Elite AdExchange

Elite AdExchange Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-EliteAdExchangeSplash

Elite AdExchange Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-EliteAdExchangeOpt 

Elite AdExchange Welcome page: View Here .
Share Code: 752201-EAEformula

PLS Autoresponder Training Share Codes HERE

If You're Not Succeeding Training Share Codes HERE



The CLUB Share Code: View Here .
Share Code: 752201-CLUB 


Join the CLUB Promotional Pages: 


School of Fish Splash page. View here .
Share Code: 

School of Fish Splash Opt-in page. View here 
Share Code: 

The CLUB Welcome Page, Share Code: View Here .
Share Code: 752201-CLUB 


Giphy Girl Club Splash

Giphy Girl Splash page. View here .
Share Code: 

Giphy Girl Opt-in page. View here 
Share Code: 

The CLUB Welcome Page, Share Code: View Here .
Share Code: 752201-CLUB 


Advertising Crash Course: View Here .
Share Code: 752201-advertisingcrashcourse 


Secret of The Big Dogs Promotional

Red Car Splash

Red Car Splash page. View here . Share Code: 52201-redcarsplash

Red Car Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-redcaropt 

 Secrets of the Big Dogs Welcome page. View here .
Share Code: 


Referral Frenzy

Referral Frenzy Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-98referralFrenzysplash

RF Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-referralfrenzyopt

RF Training page. View here . Share Code: 752201-RFformula4



Savings HighWay Global 
Free Gas Offer

Free Gas Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-Free-Gas-Splash

Free Gas Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-Free-Gas-Opt 
You don't need to create the sales welcome page.
Just connect your link to SHG direct link on the opt in form ( in edit basics). 



Massive Advertising Method

For Promoting The Cash Now Funnel

 Paradise White 3 Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-paradisewhite3 

 Paradise White 3 Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-cutecoupleopt

Cash Now Funnel Sales Page. View here . Share Code: 752201-OneDollarCashNowSP




SHG Travel & Credits Page


SHG Travel & Credits Splash page. View here . Share Code: 752201-SHGTravelSplash

SHG Travel & Credits Opt-in page. View here . Share Code: 752201-SHGTravelOpt 

SHG Travel & Credits Sales Page. View here . Share Code: 752201-SHGTravelSales

Additional Share Codes
and Helpful Links

Formula For My Success II: See page: HERE 

Best Safelists (Downline Builder): View Here .

Start Advertising Training Share Codes HERE

Ad Set-up Training Share Codes HERE

Clicking Faster For Credits Training Share Codes HERE

PLS Tracking Your Links Training HERE

WildFire Business Formula

Wildfire Business Formula. See it HERE
 Share Code: 752201-Wildfire-Business-Welcome

Training Points See it HERE

Share Code: 752201-Training-Points

YBY 1000 Hits Training Page - See it HERE

Share Code: 752201-How-To-Get-1000-Hits 

The SECRET: How to Get More Sales
See page HERE 

YBY Formula



5000 Splash Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-5000-Splash 

5000-​Opt in Page HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-5000-Opt 

Sales Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-Sales-Page

Home Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-HOME2-Page

Advertising Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-Advertising-Page

Ad BONUS Page: See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-YBY-Ad-BONUS

YBY 1000 Hits Training Page - See it HERE
Share Code: 752201-How-To-Get-1000-Hits 

Additional YBY:

Share Code: 

Share Code: 752201-Ad-Setup

YBY-Welcome To Our Team
Share Code: 752201-WELCOME-To-Our-Team

YBY-GDI Portal
Share Code: 

YBY-HBA Portal
Share Code: 

YBY-PLS Portal
Share Code: 752201-YBY-PLS-Portal
The Master Share Codes

Over 80 More Share Codes:


See Our Master Share Codes HERE



Strategy of the
Formula System:

Setting up "The Formula" Funnel:

Setting up The Formula.
25 mins.

The strategy of the Formula system is to promote safelists to gain
subscribers and initial earnings.
 Learning how to build a connection with
your subscribers will allow you to bring in new members and more
backend earnings
(with PLS and other affiliate programs you join).

First of all there are some specific destinctions
about our method. First off it works with the 5 Critical Skills as shown:

1. Critical Skill #1: Learning effective advertising. 
This is learning which safelists and mailers will give you the most 
conversions both in getting subscribers and paying members.
is also about learning how to use the tracking in PLS to see 
where your hits and subscribers are coming from. 

2. Critical Skill #2: Learning effective capture page making. 
This is learning how to start off using pre-made capture pages 
and then learning how to make capture pages from share codes in PLS.
Eventually, you will want to learn how your create your own capture pages
using PLS. You can then take "the bull by the horns" so to speak, and learn how to get 
many more subscribers then you will ever get using "made for you"
capture pages. 

3. Critical Skill #3: Building an effective mailing list. 
This is how to learn to use your advertising knowlege
and your capture page skills in getting lots of subscribers each day
and building your list really big inside PLS (eventually into the thousands). The
more people on your list, the more 'action' you will get and the more
people responding to your ads, your sales pages, your funnels
and your email campaigns

4. Critical Skill #4: Building effective communication with your list. 
This is the art of learning how to create "know, like and trust" with your 
email list that you're building.
 If you have a big list but don't know how 
to communicate with them, then your list is all in vain!

Communication begins from the very beginning when your potential
subscriber is viewing your capture page. They may see your picture on 
your capture page or feel your energy in the words on the page. 

After they add their name and email (opting in to your page) and go
to your sales page, they will see your picture and read your words about the
safelist or offer you're presenting them. They will then see your story
and the ups and downs you've had and how you've finally begun to
have success.
 Your Formula link should be included at the end of your story so
that just in case they're looking for a business where they will get 1:1 help
like what you offer, they can join you here. 

It's important to realize that with Safelists and mailers, that most people 
already have their own business and are primarily looking for 
more effective advertising methods to reach more people about their offers.

So for that reason if you show them good safelists and free
promo codes that will give them the ability to advertise their 
business, then they are very likely to join

This pic shows how many free members I brought into our Safelist
and how often one of them would upgrade to become a paid member.

And the Safelist or mailer will most likely have effective ads
that will encourage many to upgrade to a paid level so they
can earn credits with much less work and effort. 

For this reason, less effort is needed in creating 
"know, like and trust"
 . They are often given enough
reason to pay and upgrade from the safelists ad they see and
from your encouragement in the welcome page. 
So in this way, you will have a higher chance of creating a
sale (without them actually communicating with you via email). 

However, this is only the beginning. They should be 
receiving your emails and getting to know you a little
better each day. They should be also encouraged to
the "call to action" at the end of your emails to 
reply back to you and find out more about
joining your business.
 In this way, you have 
two ways to reach your audience. One through
giving them what they want (traffic) and the second
from getting to know you more personally. 

Eventually they should respond to one of your 
autoresponder emails and reply back to you.
your email back to them should share the ups and 
downs of your journey working online as well as 
how your mentor is helping you to begin 
having success. 

Their reply to your first call to action 
will enable you to reply back to them with a second 
call to action to see if they really want to join you.
If so, then on the second reply, you can send them
your affiliate link so they can join you. In our case,
you can send them your "Formula" link (with your links 
attached inside), so they can either join you at the free level
or paid. 

5. Critical Skill #5: Effective Funnel building. 
This is learning how first to use this funnel effectively
and then how to build your own if you like. PLS has all the tools
to help you build whatever funnel you're thinking of or to share
this funnel or any others with your members. 

Having Vision!

The essence of this funnel is as follows:

1) Promoting Safelists/mailers

2) Bringing your members to a sales page / welcome page
that gives a free promo code so they can join that safelist
and then have the ability to advertise more. It also explains the
benefits of that safelist. 
If they want, they will join the safelist
and possibly upgrade and give you your first source of income

3) This sales page/welcome page should also have your 
story in it and give them a reason to connect with you.
If your story and offer is interesting to them, they will click the link
to the "Formula" you've added at the end of your story. 
They may or may not decide from there to join your business.
This has the potential to give you your second source of income.

4) Then your autoresponder emails should effectively connect
with your list and encourage responses. This will bring people 
to respond to you and encourage interaction between you
and them and ultimately create "know, like and trust".
will bring more sales if you honestly want to help people. 
This will be the third potential income source.  


I hope this helps to explain the idea clearly. Of course,
the Formula also gives one the ability to earn their way up the "income ladder"
and join you in one program at a time or just go to the top of the pile by taking the $1 trial of 
PLS and jump to Step 10. If they're serious in Step 10, then they will fill out as many
 links in Steps 1-10 as possible, (even if just a free member) thus growing your 
team in FAFY, LeadsLeap, ELB, GDI, PMS, as well as PLS (and potentially all the 
links in Ellie's blogs - as well as the links and safelists in ELB too). 
I think this gives a fair way of progressing to those who have money as well as to 
those who don't and give you deep pockets of earning from many things. If this 
wasn't enough, the training "Steps to Six Figures" is inside Step 1 too and allows 
everyone the chance to become a leader here, learn real marketing skills, get guidance
and personal help from their team leader as they go through each of the Steps to Six Figures
and buy or earn the leader's team page with links inside that their team can click 
on and join them in even more programs there. This is how I get new members all the time
 in the Big Dogs program, BABO, and many others. 
I hope this helps explain all the benefits and strategies of the Formula! 


by Jim Rohn
Comments by Albie Derbyshire


Pillar 3:
The Gift of Relationships


Jim Rohn used to talk about nurturing your
relationships like a garden:

You have to keep working on them or the “weeds” will grow.

This is also true with your health and your business too. 


.I want to impress on your mind the idea of “Consistency 
with your work. Sometimes people fall out a program just
because they have no consistency.

You will notice that many things are not easy and that success is
built one day at a time
 and that it takes time.
This is a fact: If you have a 
passion to change your lifestyle,
you will succeed. But anything less than that will fail.
And having a passion with
 consistent effort will eventually pay off.

Jim Rohn said it best: “What’s easy to do is also easy not to do.”
(your daily consistent effort in your business in this case)  

And that is one reason why people fail:
They stop being 



We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692